Ian Legg has over 25 years’ experience in developing commercial initiatives in the rail industry. He has a reputation for introducing new products and services and for developing innovative but practical business strategies, and is considered to be one of Britain’s leading experts in rail demand forecasting. He prepares traffic forecasts, business plans and feasibility studies in addition to building core teams for complex projects. He brings a detailed understanding of project finance, Private-Public-Partnerships (PPP), concessions and franchises as well as the technical, economic and political opportunities and constraints within which they must operate.
- introduction of a new approach to the daily travel market with the launch of a recurring debit season ticket scheme;
- development of carnets;
- working with third parties on providing Green Travel plan discount schemes; and
- refining the product range aimed at the small group market.
- commissioning and evaluation of market research to identify market gaps;
- steering retail systems and process changes; and
- implementing internet based product offers.
- pricing fares and setting restrictions;
- managing gateline and ticket office reporting;
- providing income analysis; and
- setting the annual and strategic income budget.
- representing the rail industry at external forums to ensure development plans are supported;
- promoting rail to local companies and other organisations;
- engaging with local stakeholders to develop community rail partnerships and integrated transport schemes;
- working on franchise bids dealing with all aspects of the commercial offer;
- assisting Government in delivery of policy objectives in fares and retailing;
- providing expert fares and retail input for major system developments;
- interim management of revenue management, income analysis and fares teams; and
- acting as a Trustee and Director of a heritage railway company with £2m turnover and 35 paid staff.
Areas of expertise include: